Virtual Combinatorics Seminars

On this page you will find a list of seminars (mostly combinatorics, some discrete geometry) arranged by days and times, which frequently change so please double-check the seminar websites for the most recent schedules. 

Many of these seminars have gone back to in-person. The recorded talks when they were virtual are still available at the links.  Think of this page as a record of the seminars during the pandemic years, as well as new ones in subsequent years.

A very large list of math seminars is available at and CS Theory talks are available here

Additionally, take a look at this amazing Round the World Relay in Combinatorics.

All times below are Eastern Standard Time (ET). If you are planning a new seminar, you may find this list useful to avoid clashing with existing seminars.


10:00 am ET: Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics webinar (Videos available)

11:00 am ET: Women in Network Science (WiNS)
YouTube Channel 

11:30 am ET: Algebraic Graph Theory Seminar at University of Waterloo  (Videos available)


10:00 am ET: Warwick DIMAP seminar (Slides available)

2:00 pm ET: Oxford Discrete Mathematics and Probability Seminar (Videos available)

3:00 pm ET: Auburn Discrete Math Seminar

3:00 pm ET: Graphs and Matroids Seminar (Virtual)

3:30 pm ET: Georgia Tech Graph Theory Seminar (in-person)
YouTube Channel (past talks available)

3:30 pm ET: SFU Discrete Math Seminar (12:30 pm UTC-8) (Hybrid)
YouTube Channel 

6:00 pm ET: NYC Geometry Seminar
YouTube Channel (videos also listed next to talks)


10:15 am ET: Jagiellonian TCS seminar

1:00 pm ET: Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium #GOCC (Videos available)

1:00 pm ET: VCU Discrete Mathematics Seminar 

2:30 pm ET: Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar

7:00 pm ET: Washington Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar


2:30am ET: IBS Virtual Discrete Math Colloquium (Videos available)

8:15 am ET: Graz Combinatorics Seminar

10:00 am ET: Virtual Seminar on Algebraic Matroids and Rigidity (Ended, but videos are available)

10:15 or 11:15 am ET: Coopenhangen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar   (Videos Available)

3:00 pm ET: Princeton Discrete Math Seminar (Videos available)

3:00 pm ET: New York Number Theory Seminar

3:30 pm ET: Cornell ACO Seminar

4:00 pm ET: Talk Math With Your Friends #TMWYF (Videos available, combinatorics and general math talks for a broad audience, good place to promote combinatorics)

5:00 pm ET: Rutgers Experimental Math Seminar (Videos available)


8:00 am ET: Bordeaux Graph Theory Seminar (Videos available)

10:00 am ET: Budapest Big Seminar (Videos available) (time may changes)

11:00 am ET: 05C50 Online (10:00 am CT)
Recordings are listed next to the talks.

12:00 pm ET: New York Combinatorics Seminar (Hybrid)
YouTube Channel

3:15 pm ET: Georgia Tech Combinatorics Seminar (in person)
YouTube Channel (past talks available)


9:30 am ET: ADMA Colloquium Lecture Series (virtual)
ADMA stands for "Adacemy of Discrete Mathematics and its Applications.

Seminars with videos, not currently running

Graph-Searching Online Seminar
Recordings are listed next to the talks.

If your seminar is not here, let me know and I'll list it.